If your laptop has a full-functioned Type-C port, that means you can use that single port to transfer data, audio, video, and power.
Most full-functioned Type-C ports will have a unique lightning bolt symbol next to them.
You’ll also need a USB-C Thunderbolt 3 cable or better to use all the features of a full-functioned Type C port.
No matter what brand of laptop you have, chances are that it has a USB-C port. USB-C cables can do nearly anything you’d ever need a cable for, and most new products find some way to use them.
But not all USB-C cables or ports are created equal. If you want to get the most out of your devices, you’ll need a full-functioned Type-C port.
Full-functioned Type-C ports can transfer power, audio, video, and data at the same time
In the past, if you wanted to charge your laptop, connect it to another monitor, and use a USB flash drive, you’d need three different cables, and at least three different ports to plug them into.
USB-C cables solve the first issue. A single newer USB-C cable can transfer power to charge your laptop, audio and video to connect it with another display, and data for a USB flash drive.
But when it comes to the ports, things get trickier. Not all USB-C ports can handle all that. Some can only charge, or only transfer data, and so on.
That’s why you need a full-functioned (sometimes called full-featured) Type-C port. These ports can handle power, audio, video, and data — and they can transmit them all at the same time.
The benefits of a full-functioned Type-C port
The biggest benefit to full-functioned Type-C ports is that they let you do more with less ports on a single computer. Less ports means thinner and lighter devices, both valuable qualities for a laptop.
It also means less confusion. You don’t have to worry about having the right cable for the right situation, and you don’t have to spend time looking for the exact right port to plug it into.
And of course, being able to transmit everything at once saves time too.
You’ll still need the right USB-C cable
USB-C cables have been around for almost a decade now, and they’ve improved a lot in that time. But if you’re still using the same USB-C cable you’ve had since 2014, you’ll probably want to upgrade.
And if you’re trying to connect your laptop directly to a projector or another monitor, for instance, you need a USB-C Thunderbolt 3 cable or better. Otherwise, you’ll have to use a separate cable to convert between USB-C and HDMI or VGA.
The two best kinds of USB-C cables on sale today is USB4 (iCable USB4). If you’re buying new USB-C cables to fit your laptop, try to get a cable that matches those specifications.